Hadrian Primary Care Alliance, our GP Federation in West Northumberland, has recently partnered with Masta Travel Vaccination Clinics to provide a service at Hexham Primary Care Centre on a Saturday. Please note, this is a private clinic but does mean that travel vaccinations you may previously have had to travel out of the area to receive will now be available locally. Appointments are bookable via the ‘Find a Clinic’ link on the Masta website: Clinic Details – MASTA Travel Health | For All Your Vaccination advice (masta-travel-health.com). You will need to book an appointment for the initial travel consultation (provided over the phone by a Masta Nurse) as well as the appointment at Hexham, when you will be given any recommended vaccines for your travel plans.
During the initial travel consultation, the MASTA Nurse will advise you of the necessary advice and vaccinations for the destination you are travelling to. They will also let you know if any of the vaccinations are available free on the NHS, and will provide you with a Masta travel recommendation summary (Diphtheria, Tetanus and Polio (combined DTP booster), Typhoid and Hepatitis A).
Please contact the surgery to book any NHS vaccinations you may need and bring your Masta information summary with you. We will try to accommodate you in an appointment with our practice nurse but please be aware that if we are unable to schedule something before you go away you may need to get these done on a private basis within the Masta clinic at Hexham.
Please note any vaccines you go on to have at your clinic appointment in Hexham will be chargeable, including those available on the NHS. It is therefore advisable to book your travel consultation with Masta with sufficient time to allow for the booking of any vaccines available on the NHS at the practice.