Corbridge Medical Group

Welcome to Corbridge Medical Group

We are a GP practice based in Northumberland providing medical services to around 7,200 patients in Corbridge and the surrounding area.  We have 5 GP Partners, 3 Salaried GPs,  4 Practice Nurses and 2 Healthcare Assistants. We dispense medication to patients living in rural areas and we are an active teaching practice with GP Trainees and medical students regularly attached to the practice.

Hadrian Extra Care Hub

For patients who prefer to be seen in the evenings or on Saturdays a service is provided in collaboration with other local practices. Appointments are available, here on the lower ground floor of Corbridge Health Centre between 6:30 and 8pm, Monday to Friday and from other practices from 9am to 5pm on Saturdays staffed by local GPs, Nurses and Healthcare Assistants. Our nearest Saturday service is based at Hexham Primary Care Centre. If you would prefer to be seen during these times, appointments must be booked in advance – just ask our receptionist for an appointment in the Hadrian Extra Care Hub or follow this link to book direct.  Book here

Corbridge Medical Group

Corbridge Health Centre
Newcastle Road
NE45 5LG

Call: 01434 632011

Fax: 01434 633878

8am to 6pm
8am to 6pm
8am to 6pm
8am to 6pm
(closed from 2-3:15pm)
8am to 6pm
order your repeat prescriptions using the NHS App

Latest News

First Contact Physiotherapists

It is Self-Care Week 2024

RSV Vaccinations

Call 111

You can call 111 when you need medical help fast but it’s not a 999 emergency. NHS 111 is a fast and easy way to get the right help.

Out of Hours

For urgent appointments outside our normal surgery hours, please call the NHS 111 service. Your call will be assessed and passed to the most appropriate service.
NHS 111 is available 24/7 for advice and guidance.

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