All patients aged 60-74 will be sent a test kit in the post every two years. The kit is known as a Faecal Immunochemical Test or FIT. and should be returned to the screening service by post free of charge. The test will detect blood in your faeces which could be a very early sign of bowel cancer. More information is available here: Bowel Screening
If you have failed to return your FIT test we will write to you to remind you of the importance of this screening test. All results are sent to the practice and coded onto your medical record. Abnormal results will be automatically referred, by the screening service, for further investigation.
If you have lost your FIT test kit you can request another by ringing 0800 707 60 60. This number can also be used by patients aged over 74 who prefer to continue with 2 yearly screening.
Meanwhile, if you become aware of any changes in bowel habit or blood in your faeces at any age please arrange an appointment with one of our GPs so this can be investigated as soon as possible.