Corbridge Medical Group

How to register

We have an open list and welcome requests for registration from patients living in or moving to the practice area. We reserve the right to reject registrations from patients who do not live within our defined catchment area and this can be checked using the link below:

Postcode Checker

(Click on the magnifying glass at the top right of the map and enter your postcode)

If your postcode falls within our practice boundary you can register online or on paper using the link below:

GP Registration Form

You will be registered onto our ‘pooled’ list under Corbridge Medical Group and each patient is assigned a named GP who will take responsibility for coordinating care and overseeing individual patient’s needs. However, the partners work as a team and you are free to consult with the doctor of your choice. The partners have a system for covering each others absences ensuring continuity of care.

If you would like to know who has been allocated as your ‘named GP’ just ask at your next appointment.

If we require you to attend an appointment with a GP or nurse before authorising medications one of our receptionists will contact you. Most medical records come through automatically from previous GP surgeries so we can usually authorise your ongoing prescriptions without seeing you.


Date published: 10th October, 2014
Date last updated: 24th June, 2024